Killer Ocean

Warming up the planet

Can we do anything about it to slow it down? We could if we wanted to.


Stopping the pollution.

So, why do I call it the Killer Ocean? Because with the so called “Global Warming” the oceans are expending. Taking (flooding) over  fertile ground, changing the flora of the oceans and killing off fish. Entire species disappear due to the warmer water temperature.  The ground water levels are on the rise. Higher water levels flooding the farmland all over the world reducing food production.

The altitude is measured by the distance between a given high point, to the level of the sea. “Above sea levels” I am sure we have all heard of this sentence.

If we were to switch off our cars and power plants that use fossil fuels such as coal and oil, we would be able to preserve our beautiful home for our children and grand children and perhaps for their children too. But what about for their children?

Are they going to be able to produce their food? The fruits we eat today? Might not if we keep ignoring the warning signs of our planet. The plea she suggest to us by increasing the sea levels. Melting the ice on the north and south poles.

The more and more frequent hurricanes and storms. The grinding of the earth’s plates creating earth quakes and tsunamis.

The candle under the jar is starting to use up the oxygen inside and starts to swirl the air inside that jar and soon the flame will extinguish.

The earth will do the same if we keep doing what we are doing today.

The hurricanes are the result of  “the candle under the jar effect” . The warmer air rising but can’t escape into the vacuum of the universe, creating bigger and bigger storms by swirling around in the upper atmosphere . Soon swirling all over and the smoke of the flame will fill the jar. The flame goes out and due to the lack of oxygen, life will stop existing.

Do we want this to happen too soon? What do you think our children deserve?


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