The millions of new jobless in Britain

Britain is a high tax country. The economy is struggling and Britts are loosing their jobs by the millions as you can read it on the BBC website. Job Loss prediction for Britain.

Unlike in the USA where when there is a crisis, the government is finding ways to ease the burden on its citizens by lowering taxes, helping the needy and organizing charity drives. In Britain the government are cutting benefits and raising taxes.

One of the major tax expense for the average citizen and to businesses is sales tax VAT as they call it in Britain (Value Added Tax) “Have no idea what value but that’s what they call it”.

The current sales tax is 17.5% and from January 2011 they will raise it to 20%.

Wow!  Imagine 20 percent of your net income will be gone and taken out of circulation and into the bureaucrats pocket. Pheww, what a headache

20% is out of circulation! Meaning the poor (the average citizen) will have less to spend and the businesses will have 20% less income. Of course this is not a full 20% because it’s only a 2.5% sales tax increase but its still is a 20% spending money loss that will not going to strengthen the economy.

Now we well know that the poor are the ones driving the economy worldwide. They are the ones that have to have what they see on the TV they have to have the newest playstation, the newest plasma TV, they have to have a new car to drive and they have to have it right then and there.

The rich don’t care if a new playstation or plasma TV is on the market. They are perfectly alright with their current set if its still working good.

Yet, they are taking the money out from the hand of the only layer of people that would put it back into the economy that would make it stronger.

Of course some of those millions who will loose their jobs will start some sort of business and even hire some of the others and others will find some sort of job somewhere else. Of course we all have to pay taxes because the country and it’s government is nothing else but our big own household. In our household we need to buy garbage bags, water, electricity, gas, furniture etc. and so is our government household is in need of garbage bags, street sweepers, road building and maintenance, etc. etc. and that what taxes supposed to be for.

But instead of encouraging the people by lowering taxes and to start their own business and to better their lives by investing, the Britts came up with the good old technique of Robin Hood. (empty people’s pockets and if we empty it all the way to the bottom, we’ll find another road and pocket to empty)

Taxes are necessary but I think money is more necessary in the people’s pocket so they can pay more taxes by producing more income for themselves and for businesses. The more income the more taxes are paid in.

We all know that with the increase of the population and the increase of computerisation will come with more jobless, homeless and poor. More crime as those poor will have to have money for food and the goods they see on TV and in magazines. The tax increase is a sick “man’s” (governments) aspirin. They think its good for everything yet it only brings more economic hardship on the longrun as they have to increase taxes soon again if they want to survive and Robin Hood sooner or later will run out of roads and pockets and his organisation will collapse.

People are going to stay home or under the bridge out in forests, not going to have money to spend, not needing the roads, the garbage collection or the services of the government at all and not paying any taxes because they will have nothing and one day they’ll start their walk into the city….

We can’t avoid population increase and migration from one country to another. We only have this one home (earth) and we all have to share it.

We need to preserve it for the future generation too I agree and creating anarchy maybe the only way to do it.

Instead of lowering the sales tax like in the USA where it’s one of the main driving force behind economic recovery. Instead of helping the the people more, the British government doing the opposite. This is the way to a faster slide. Can’t be anything but bad for the economy and the british people in future years.


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