Why not to use it.
If someone had sent you an email telling you about the next biggest thing in internet marketing and if that thing is an auto blogging software or program, just walk away. Why?
Because no website owner is interested in the same comments all the time. I am getting comments from auto bloggers and they go straight to the delete button as soon as I realize they are “form” comments.
On top of that it’s annoying when you see some idiot sending you the same old stuff. They say “it’s a no brainer” well, it is a no brainer. You don’t have to have any brains or imagination to use them. Just make something up and send it until your computer breaks of old age.
You are not going to get any back links from something it gets deleted straight away. Leave a few lines of intelligent comments that’ll get approved.
I know I have some spam comments on this page but when I passed them I was thinking of giving those guys a shot at because they’re might be beginners and need some help since this blog is somewhat of a mixture anyway.
So with that in mind chuck them auto bloggers.