Is it true?
Communism in the USA is starting to appear. Reading this article one might think what’s next? Stopping people and asking them for personal IDs?
Very well could be. In the name of safety comes loosing your freedom. Is that good for the country where the first amendment is touted all the time? A country being as isolated from the rest of the world as the USA is I don’t think would need such a system in place. The borders are getting more and more sealed and illegal immigration is in the process of being stopped. Illegal immigrants are systematically deported by the thousands every year, leaving millions of US born children growing up without parents. Of course all in the name of “family values”.
The idea might make sense if freedom was as much and wide spread as in Europe, but it’s not. The USA is an Island country where the news is censored and the population is kept in the dark about life and lifestyle in the rest of the world.
Stopping people in the street asking them to subject their personal belongings and pockets to searches by police and asking for personal IDs was frequently used during the communism in the countries belonging to the system.
Where is it going to lead? Is there an end to it or is it just the beginning?
What do you think?
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