Very nasty indeed!
When one do a google search and clicks on one of the results instead of directing to the clicked website it will take you to a link farm site. Which has nothing but links to other websites.
I am sure Google or the ISP (Internet Service Provider) are the ones making money off of these or else why would it happen in the search results.
This is definitely not a virus on the computer. This virus is residing in the router. I just did a fresh install on a formatted drive of xp and also windows7 on a computer and in both cases as soon as I went on the web and did a search, I was redirected to one of these link farm sites.
Might be coming from the ISP service company which is in my case Virgin Media and they are known for screwing customers for every penny they can squeeze out of them and I would not be surprised if they are getting big money for all these redirection of traffic. Click fraud I think.
You can run any kinds of virus programs and it won’t do any good because it is a router virus.
So you can try this to get rid of this nastiness.
Reset your router with a pin or the reset button to factory default settings than go to DOS and type in at the C: prompt ipconfig/flushdns and it should clear the virus out.
Make sure you are in drive C and not in a directory
go to Start/Run and type in CMD and that’s your DOS make sure this is what it shows C:\> this is what it looks like after you type in C:\>ipconfig/flushdns
than you hit the return key and it will flush your router clean. There is no guarantee the virus won’t come back but if it does you can do it again. This worked for me and right now it looks alright. The computer is faster too.
In the meantime click on this picture and get your facebook smilies and customize your facebook page and cheer up your friends with them.
I think I’m winning in this computer virus fight!! Yeaaaah! I WIN! Lookin promising. Thank God.
Changed the dns settings from my ISP to public DNS. Got rid of all redirection at once. This article might gives you an insight of how and why this is happening and how advertisers are scammed out of millions as the result
Blogroll links aint that fantastic
but i am not the admin?-
?- Just Telling 
I’ll look into it but I have no idea what a blogroll is. I’m gonna do some readin’ about it today. Thanx
Just thought I’d comment and say excellent theme, did you layout it for yourself? It’s really really superior!
its up there buddy, on the primary hyperlink, ..i hope that helps..
I adore your blog as well much. Retain working on it.
When I click your RSS feed it just gives me a ton of unformatted html, is a malfunction on my facet?
The RSS feed is at the bottom left corner of the page and it works fine. You might need to download an rss reader such as you find at ( ) and install it in your computer. Firefox has one built in but if you are using chrome you need to install one as it does not have one.
good blog! hold up the wonderful function!
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Hi. Thanx for visiting. Don’t worry I am not of English origin either. You are doing fine.
Tyvm for the wonderful info! I would not have located th is myself!
I am glad you have found it useful.
Hey! The place is your rss link? I woul like to subscribe.
Just love your writing style, while I don’t agree with everything it was still good, bookmarked.