I am not an amazon premium seller but once in a while I sell something there as a regular standard seller without any privileges. Amazon is notorious for kicking premium sellers out of their programme and ban them from signing up again for life.
Any kinds of negative feedback sets the flag with amazon. If a seller accumulates 3 or more of these negatives they might as well start looking for some other source of online income. (Even though they might have 3,000 positives)
Amazon don’t really care about it’s partners well being. If you live in the same building with a person that was kicked out as an amazon seller, you will be kicked out too. Why? Because amazon says you are that other person as well or related.
If you sign up with a different name, address and bank account number, they will kick you out again, because somehow they’ll find out you are the same person. But that’s only speculation. Just like in the above example where your neighbor gets negative feedbacks and you get kicked out too, because amazon assuming you are the same person or related to each other some way or another.
How amazon do this? IP tracking. (cookies) The internet go into the building carries one ip address from the provider and the residents share that address as far as internet connection terms go. So you can change names and addresses and whatever you want, but you can’t change your IP because that is given by your provider.
The solution is a stealth or anonymous internet address.
The browser TOR for an example offers anonymus browsing of the net. There are Proxy s you can use. (different IP addresses)
These routes the internet connection through different other computers in the world just like you see it in some spy movies. Say you are in chicago but you connect trough a server in new york.
I personally don’t think amazon or any other online organization should kick someone out without first investigating, just because another person in the same building has accumulated a few negative feedbacks.
There are vicious people out there that are happy to leave fake lying negative feedbacks. Buying merchandise and claiming never gotten it or claiming not the same as described demanding their money back without sending the merchandise back to the seller and leaving negative feedbacks for revenge.
The seller have a choice of refunding the money and hoping to get the merchandise back, not refunding the money until the merchandise is returned and risk a negative revenge feedback, or refund the money and never get the merchandise back and still get a negative feedback because amazon also looks at refunding the money as negative, since there might must have been something that was not honest about the seller. Hey, The buyers are always right!!!! Right?