Toys R Us cancelling online orders for no reason?
Could that be in today’s competitive world? I have been shopping online for about 20 years now and had never had an instant with anyone like Toys R Us yesterday and today. They’ve refused my first ever online order. Twice!

First time I thought I’ve made a mistake, but since it was close to midnight I’d let it go. Today I’ve placed another order and the confirmation of a successful purchase comes through the email as with any other online retailer, but within an hour I get a cancellation email that says “we can’t tell you any reason”, but list about 5 generic reason such as
- Unable to validate billing/delivery address
- Unusual purchasing patterns. (E.g. breach of purchasing restrictions detailed on our website)
- Breach of terms and conditions,
Association with orders that have breached one or more of the above.
Called them up on the phone and the woman I’ve spoken to couldn’t tell me a reason either just that the account was closed for no reason at all.
Of course this Toys R Us is in Britain and the Britts are weird in their thinking so I am not surprised by their not wanting to bother with increasing business just before Christmas.
I am not sure what to do next, but I think Toys R Us might be an American company I am going to write to their office in America and see if they can come up with a reason.
Of course I am never gonna buy anything again at Toys R Us and I am also going to tell everyone I know what had happened and discouraging them from buying there.
There are plenty of other toy stores and outlets with the same merchandise and with lower prices on the internet. And as far as Toys R Us is concerned I just cancelled their account with me and my family. 3 Grandkids and lotsa friends with children.
I am encouraging everyone who has had the same or know of others that had the same with Toys r Us to do the same.
Doesn’t seems like I am the only one had bad experience with Toys R Us tho. Looking in google there are many others like this one here:
I wonder whether the company want s any business at all? Or the name really means “Toys Are Us”?