Most people in the UK have no idea what KC registration is. It is a Kennel Club registration for your dog and used by commercial breeders to make more money off of the unsuspecting dog buyers.
Makes the would be buyers think they are getting a better value for their money if they buy a kc registered dog versus a dog from a simple dog owner who’s pup just had babies. Degrading those dogs and puppies by scamming would be buyers into not buying them for fear of some unknown.
In the UK anyone can register a dog with the KC organisation.
Even mixed breeds can be registered. This also proves that it has no value as for the dogs or for the buyer’s benefit. Yet the simple Britts think they are getting value for their money.
In the UK people own dogs for pets, hunting and farm/working dogs. Hunting dogs are minuscule in numbers to the number of pets or farming/working dogs. There is the forth group which is the dangerous dogs that people breed to fight each other or to harm people, but fortunately these are getting banned in the UK.
The British Kennel club organisation shouldn’t advertise or suggest to people that people shouldn’t buy dogs from regular dog owners in favor of breeders. Yet this is exactly what they suggest. paranoia is the easiest to sell to anyone. With a badgering campaign anyone can be influenced sooner or later.
Breeders are doing it for the money. If there was no money to be made in dog breeding, they wouldn’t do it or just a few would breed dogs as a hobby.
So, don’t fal for commercial breeders trick, don’t pay more for a dog just because registered with the kennel club organisation. You will get no benefit.