12 Oct. 2010
Mandatory insurance is nothing but a scam
Insurance companies are raising fees because they are loosing revenue due to the economy and raising fees to cover the losses they are responsible for to create with their greed and bad planning.
Car owners are the ones will pay the majority into this scam. Young drivers especially will suffer from this bad greed and planning as they’ll be the ones paying the most. Most of the time they’ll pay more for car insurance per year than the cost of the car they drive.
In Britain for an example a young driver can buy a used car for less than £200 pounds that is in perfectly good working order and their insurance approaching £3,000 pounds per year. 15 times the cost of the car (Per Year)!!!!!! This is nothing but a legal ROBBERY and stealing and a big huge SCAM.
First of all the car insurance is sold on basis of paranoia to governments on the pre tense of everyone will hit everyone else on the road and why should the innocent suffer. (and of course the revenue the government will get if they implement this into law) I think this is wrong and part of the scam. Fear is one of the strongest motivator and paranoia is the other in this case!!
I think insurance companies should be regulated and the charges should be capped for car insurance if it’s made mandatory, or else lets make it optional that would be much much fairer to everyone on the road.
Fairer because every car driver knows if they take the car out onto the road there is a chance they’ll drive into someone else’s car. (As such possibilities the insurance companies raising paranoia about is possible), make everyone responsible for their own traffic accidents. Pay their own insurance that only covers themselves, and those who don’t want to pay for insurance, take the car out onto the road on their own risk. Knowing if they’ll hit someone or get hit by someone else, they have to pay for their own damage . The insured only insures themselves and the uninsured only insures themselves.
This would end the insurance scam millions of people suffer from in every country.
Why should I be pre-judged by a scamming industry whether I’ll be a good driver or not and disregarding my past record (if they keep record of it at all) establish a horrendous fee telling me I am a bad driver and I am out to hit someone else on the road on purpose.
Why should I pay for other peoples mistakes and why should I speculate about what car to buy in order to have an affordable car insurance. I would like to just insure myself, with my own track record and history and not worried about what car I own, where do I park it overnight, how many miles I drive it per year and what part of town I live in.
I just want to insure myself and my car if I choose so. I don’t wan to be a part of a mandatory scam. I don’t want to insure anyone else and I don’t want to waste my hard earned money on a useless scamming industry, that was and is built an a scam and still maintained as a major use of legalized scam!
I think we should demand self insurance laws from our governments and stop this industry from victimizing people based upon a speculative pre-judgement.
With the economy is getting worse and worse due to population increase and evolution, the insurance industry is doomed to fail anyway. There are going to be less and less jobs, due to computerization in factories in agriculture in research, in manufacturing etc., less money will be made by the new generation, the pensions will be reduced and the retirement age will be pushed out to higher limits, less cars will be sold due to the lack of jobs and money, and the list can go on and on.
Time to rethink the car insurance industry and have the people make their own choice. Down with the biggest mandatory scam!!!