I have a 2001 Chrysler Voyager with the VM 2.5 CRD engine. The injectors are a pain to remove if you need to change them.

The Miller tool is very expensive to buy for a home mechanic and I’ve made one based upon the original and I was not able to remove the seized fuel injector.
I had to find someone nearby who had a more powerful tool. Searching the web I’ve came upon this website that offer Mobile service to remove seized injectors at your home http://www.injector-removal-service.co.uk/?gclid=COOj-cXEz7cCFUTHtAod2AUAjA
The guy on the phone was very helpful and said he will call back later on the day to see if they would be able to come out that same day. They are in London and I am about 40 minutes away north of London.
He called back as he promised and said they’ll be out today to remove the seized injector. At 6:45 pm he and a mechanic showed up at my house and in a matter of minutes had removed that seized diesel injector with their hydraulic tool at the cost of a £140 pounds.
I know it’s not cheap, but to me it was worth it because I could not even start the car up, due to too much leak back on that one injector. Was I able to drive the car to the garage, the cost would have been half as much, but since the car did not start I had no other choice.

The injector puller tool that I have made is a simple U shaped tool made out of a 1/2″ x 1.1/4″ inch Iron bar with the whole about 1 inch from one of the ends to be able to place it right over the injector. I also had a pressure ball bearing ring taken out of another injector puller to make sure the nut as I was tightening will not grind against the surface of the tool.
With just an average injector the tool would have been sufficient to pull it out, but paying £400 for tool you can’t be sure will work is a waste of money.
If the injector has more fuel leak back than normal (max 20-25 ml) the likeliness of the damaged seal is real and it will be seized. A leaking injector can’t keep the fuel pressure constant and the heat and fuel blows by the damaged seal, making he injector seized, because of carbon build up and corrosion from the moister that gets in there.
This also cause the engine to stall under hard acceleration.