The persistent and nasty redirect virus that affects most of britain

I am not sure who and why at google or at Virgin media (my ISP) had released this persistent nasty redirect virus. It seems to effect the whole of England. I am not sure about other countries but I know that when our friends had visited us just a good month ago their computer started to redirect their searches just as ours and they’ve said it had never happened in their home country.

Can’t do much about it but close the window and click again. It seems it is a one occurrence virus. Meaning when you click on a link the virus redirects you to an unwanted page, but when you close that window and click on the link again you will be taken to the page you want to go to.

So here is what I do. When I click on a link and the page don’t load in a second or two I close the new window or click on the back arrow to take me back to the page the link is on and I click again.

I have a 20 Mb internet connection in theory, so a page load should be pretty quick. If it takes more than a couple of seconds I know it’s a redirect and I am closing the window before it gets a chance to load. This way I get to my destination faster.

On top of all this Virgin media throttles it’s users bandwith if their daily data download reach a certain amount in any given 24 hours period within 5 hours. My 20Mb speed will allow me to 5 Gb  download within 5 hours and when I reach that it will limit the speed to 5 Mb per second for the rest of the 24 hours. I think this is nothing but robbery but can’t do much about it. All these redirects are eating up this allowed data amount too.

They make you pay for the full 20Mb speed but if you spend too much time on Youtube or on other video sites you get penalized.

In britain you can’t just sue them because here if you loose a case you pay the others court and lawyer cost too. Who the hell wants to pay their fees?

Plus in england you still live in the middle ages as far as getting the courts go. No class action laws suits no big rewards even if the company is at wrong. You can’t even start anything against a big corporation like virgin media because they are too big and the courts won’t even take the case. (They know the outcome ahead of the case.)

Now if google is the one doing it it’s the same. They are too big and can’t do nothing about it. One thing is for sure. Someone is making big money off of the advertisers. The advertiser are the ones loosing all that money for the redirects, because most people are so annoyed they don’t even look at the page. Just close it and start again. Reformatting and re installing their hard drive, thinking they have some sort of virus on their machine.

Now this is all speculation, because none if these companies are responding to any of these. Not on my small site but on any site. Could be a pirate attack, but when I re installed windows xp and drivers and I went on the net the first search redirected me to another site. Nothing on the computer just the basic windows installation and the drivers and redirects me to another site. This is no virus on my computer. This has to be coming from either the ISP or from the search engine. Oh I forgot to mention I had also installed a virus program before accessing the net. If it’s a virus it might be in the router or in the modem but you cant make them infected. That can only come from one direction since you can’t install anything in your modem or router. Only the ISP can do that.

Anyway just a bit annoying.


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